Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time!

Have been able to ride more regularly but the cold weather is back this week! We've had some wonderful days at the barn if you don't count the rain.

Rusty has been very good. We've had great rides and Marie says that she sees how well we're doing together! I'm very glad about that!

Yesterday, with all the rain, Rusty's pen was very wet! Lot's of standing water and mud. Rusty was pretty muddy but NOT where I needed to put the saddle!

Our warmer days make me long for spring! They're just "teasers" to let me know what it's going to be like. Soon, I hope. I saw a robin today -- my first one!

So, with Rusty shedding like crazy, robins and red-wing blackbirds returning, my lilacs budding, new growth on my rose bushes -- I'd say we're about at the end of this awful winter! Still, it can slap us around with some cold days yet. Better weather is coming!!

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