Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sandy's New Baby

Here she is! This is Sandy's black filly. She looks so much like her daddy! All of Stiltz's babies have "the look." You can still count her ribs. She hasn't gained the weight her older half-sisters and half-brother have. I had a hard time getting this picture. She was very interested in me and my camera. Every time I would move to get a better shot, she'd come along the fence too close to get a good pic! It's so great that these little ones are so curious and friendly. It makes them easier to train, too. Curiosity is a good sign of intelligence.
So now all 4 of the babies due at the farm are here and healthy! Praise God!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Babies

Here is Arizen's little colt. He was born May 19 (the day before my birthday) and is black like his daddy. All of the babies are so beautiful! We now have 4 new foals. 3 are fillies and one colt. 3 are black and one is bay. They are going to be tall. You can tell by looking at their long legs! I'll try to have a pic of baby #4 soon. I haven't gotten a picture of her yet.
It's so fun to watch them out in the pen with their mothers. They run around and leap in the air! Such show-offs! I remember how they first struggled just to stand! They learn fast because they have to. They are curious about everything! I'm so grateful to God that I can watch these little ones grow. What a blessing!