Sunday, April 29, 2007


Today Pastor Scott at my church talked about priorities in our lives. While he spoke of Family and Work, we horse-owners have another HUGE priority to juggle -- Our Horse(s)!

All of us know that having a horse is not the same as any other "pet." There is a BIG commitment of time and energy in caring for our beloved equine companions.

So, we juggle family, work AND horses in our busy lives.

What my pastor said is vital to our priorities and making sure they honor God. There is never enough time and so something has to get cheated.

We must Decide what gets priority. We then Develop a plan to give our top priority the time it needs. We then Deliver by taking the steps to get where we need to be.

It's impossible to be all things to all those who are in your life. Family must come first with the understanding that the Horse is part of the Family. Sit down and talk with your family and iron out time problems. Communication is key in all aspects of priority management.

God bless you as you seek to do the right thing in the right way.

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