Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun in the Fall

I LOVE this time of year! Look at the beautiful trees along Baseline Rd on my way out to the stables. The colors are so bright! Sights like this greet me when I'm driving out to see Rusty.

Oh, you should see Rusty! He's getting his winter coat and he looks bushy! They say we're due for a cold winter and the horses are gearing up for it. Coats are getting thicker and, praise God, the flies are dying off. What a relief!

Now that Rusty is getting his winter coat, I can use a stronger curry on him than I can in the summer. His coat is very fine in the summer so I can only use a very light curry mitt on him then.

We've had a couple of trail rides these past weeks. Soon it will be too cold to do that and we'll be in the indoor arena for the winter. Last Dec. we had an unusually warm afternoon and Joan and I rode out in the snow! Hope we get another opportunity like that!

The babies are getting so big! They all scored very high on their inspections for the American Warmblood Assoc. Marie is weaning them now. Five out of the seven mares have been separated from their foals. What a carrying on they did! Whinnying and running back and forth along the fence line! Those babies are so beautiful. One has been sold already. They will make excellent Dressage, Hunter, or Jumper horses for the lucky persons who buy them!

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