Monday, May 21, 2007

Bad Day turned Good

I'll be honest. I did NOT start out having a good day today. I got to the barn later than usual because of a meeting at work. I left the meeting frustrated and feeling very "Put Upon."

While working at the barn (cleaning stalls) my mood got worse. I allowed myself to dwell on what frustrated me and let my imagination run riot. Needless to say this is not a good way to feel better.

I tried praying and thinking about good things like Philippians 4:8 tells us. My thoughts kept harping back to my frustration. I had worked myself up to the point where I thought I'd just go home after my chores and curl up in bed.

But I didn't do that. I told myself that I was going to ride even if it was only for 15 minutes. Once that decision was made, I finished my chores and brought Rusty in to groom and tack up. It's wouldn't be fair for me to take out my bad mood on my wonderful horse who was in no way responsible. Just being with my horse brightened my outlook.

I rode for over 20 minutes and Rusty was excellent. Not only that but my bad mood vanished like it had never been there. My equalibrium restored, I left the barn to go home. Now, thanks to Rusty, my family would not have to put up with a grouch.

I really believe God put something special in horses that can speak to the human spirit. I can't put it in words very well but all of us who interact with horses have felt it, I'm sure. This was one of those times for me. I'm very grateful to God for the wonderful horse He's allowed me to care for. My horse cares for me, too.

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