Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Maze

Here is The Maze! This tricky configuration of poles can be as easy or as challenging as you want. By entering and exiting through the gaps in the outer ring and changing direction, both you and your horse can get a real workout! Rusty and I worked the Maze at the trot and the canter today. Wow! Rusty was soaked when we were through! He wanted to run too fast and I had quite a time getting him to slow down and balance himself through the Maze. There is not a lot of room around that triangle so he has to be balanced and collected. At the canter, it almost feels like a canter pirouette! We worked both directions at the trot and then at the canter. This little exercise keeps you on your toes! Use your outside aids in the center circle so you are "pushing" your horse from behind not "pulling" him around the Maze. When asking your horse to exit the center, use your inside aids and move him outward.

I do not have the dimensions for the spacing of the poles at this time. I will try to get that from Marie. As you can see from the picture, our poles are knocked a little off-center in places. Don't be afraid to give it a try! It's a real experience!

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