Saturday, October 13, 2007

Getting closer to the Dream

Today was quite a day!

After coming home from work and having lunch, my husband, son and I loaded our three cars and started moving boxed items to our new storage locker. What a job! It took the three of us three trips to move the boxes we had packed. Our home is a lot less cluttered now which is important for potential buyers to see.

I must tell you about a strange happening during the move that could have been a disaster! On my second trip to the locker I had forgotten that Doug had placed the KEY to our locker on top of my car and drove all the way there. After entering the storage facility, I remembered the key had been on top of my car! I was very upset with myself and hoped the key had fallen off in our driveway! But, Lo and Behold, when I stopped at the locker the key was STILL ON TOP OF THE CAR!!! I could hardly believe my eyes!. My son, Al, was also flabbergasted by this. All I can say is "Thank You, God, for looking after such a scatterbrain as me."

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