Friday, June 13, 2008

Cleaning Wintec Saddles

Today I cleaned my Wintec saddle for the first time. It's easy! But it's strange putting water all over a saddle! I've only had leather saddles before and one NEVER puts water all over them! Now I hope it doesn't take too long to dry. I'll need it when I go back out to ride on Sunday.

We've had some awful "fly days" out at the barn. After the storm June 5, it got really hot and muggy and the flies were EVERYWHERE!! Ugh! Rusty practically dragged me into the barn when I went out to get him!

On those days when the humidity isn't real high it's beautiful! Rusty has been very good in our rides. His canter is wonderful! I can't wait for the ground to dry out enough so we can ride around the hay field!

Looking forward to Sunday when I can get out with my horse again.

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