Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Three More New Babies!

Here they are! Three more beautiful babies!

The top pic is Arizen's filly born on April 24 or 25. (I'm not sure which date.) It was cold that weekend so the little one is in her foal blanket.

Pic #2 is Pride's little colt also born either April 24 or 25. Of all the babies so far, he is the lightest in color.

Pic #3 is Bridget's colt born April 29. (I know this date because the little cutie arrived just as I was getting out to the barn.) When I first saw this one, he was minutes old!

Since these three, Lacey has also had her baby but I don't have a pic yet. There is still one mare left to foal. It is so wonderful to go into the mare's barn and see all the little ones! Each one is so special!

1 comment:

Davnkaty said...

They are just too cute. thanks for sharing