Sunday, January 6, 2008

What Fun!

Wow! What a great ride we had today! Everyone was out at the barn enjoying the mild day. There were 9 of us on horseback in the arena at one time. We all had a ball!

This is part of the goofy weather in the Midwest. I was at the barn on Tues and Thurs of this past week and would have frozen my a** off if it hadn't been for my husband's wonderful Christmas present (insulated coveralls!!). Then, today, it's nearly 60 and all the big drifts of snow have disappeared! Go figure! It even smelled like springtime! Days like this are pure gold when they happen. I'm so glad I was able to be out there and enjoy the day with my horse and friends.

Rusty was very good today! I was concerned that he'd be a real handful since I hadn't been able to ride for a week. We had a light workout and a wonderful balanced canter in both directions! Awesome! I tell you, this is as close to Heaven as it gets for me! Thank You, Lord!

1 comment:

Davnkaty said...

It is so cool that you are able to do what you love best. Horses are just like theropy.