Monday, July 9, 2007

Well, its been over a month. Sorry for lack of postings.

I want to tell you that the Bug Check is making a difference now. I give Rusty two scoops in his feed every day and I'm noticing an improvement. One scoop was not enough. Today we rode outside and the flies were not as bothersome as they had been before. It used to be that the flies would bother Rusty so badly that he couldn't concentrate on what I was asking him to do. He'd stamp and dance around. Today we even went out in the field for a while and he was great.

July 4th my good friend Brandie came out to the stables with me and helped me with Rusty. We also saw the new babies (a couple of real cuties). It was a fun day and I was glad Brandie could share it with me.

I look forward to the times I can spend with my horse. As we get to know each other better, our rapport is really growing. I can only thank God for this wonderful privilege.


Davnkaty said...

Hi Pam:
Any time you would like Bran to come out to the stables with you let me know and we can bring her over. She loved being there as well with you and Rusty.

Pam Fox said...

Great! We will do it again soon.