Thursday, July 17, 2008

Soccer Ball II

Who can figure horses?

Today, before my lesson, I had Rusty in the arena with the same "scary" soccer ball that had him on alert Tues. No problem today! He went right up to it and pushed it with his nose and tried to bite it! Maybe our part in a soccer game isn't too far off.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Soccer Ball Fun!

Today I rode with some of the girls who were going to have a horseback soccer game. I wasn't sure how Rusty would like the ball. It turns out he was not happy about the big multi-colored ball at all! This ball is about 2 1/2 feet in diameter! Rusty saw it blowing around and was on instant alert. With someone holding the ball so it wouldn't roll, I got off Rusty and led him over to the ball. He went just a few steps at a time, his neck arched and his nostrils blowing! I put a treat on the ball and he finally ate the treat but it took some time for him to do so. I got him to follow the ball but he didn't like it when the ball came toward him!

I called it quits with the soccer ball after I got Rusty to follow it around. The girls had their game but Rusty wasn't ready for that yet. I think a little more time getting Rusty used to the ball is in order.

We had a wonderful ride and it was hot today so I hosed Rusty off afterwards and took him out to graze. He really likes that!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! Today I'm going to get up on my soapbox and wave the Flag for a while. I'm so grateful to live in the country that (with all its faults) is still the Greatest Country on Earth! We enjoy many wonderful freedoms and privileges in the U.S. that we can be guilty of taking them for granted. I'd really hate to see us become a nation of complainers! We complain about high gas prices and high prices in general. We complain about our government (but statistically few people vote).

God had a very strong way of dealing with complainers. He let them wander in the wilderness for 40 years until the whole generation of complainers died out! OUCH!

I've found the best cure for complaining is to count my blessings. One can't possibly keep a complaining spirit when he or she starts to list all the good things God has done for him or her! I'm thankful that I can worship God safely without the secret police barging in and carting me off to jail. I'm thankful for freedom of speech. I'm thankful for a wonderful home and family (including my beautiful horse and weird cats). I'm thankful for good health and that I woke up this morning!

I'm thankful for our brave troops no matter where they are serving. My prayer is that God will bless and protect them and bring them all home soon.

So God Bless America! One Nation Under God! While you are enjoying the picnics and the fireworks with family and friends, count your blessings!

I got my waving flag clip art from

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rusty's Fly Boots

Last Sunday I put brand new fly boots on Rusty to help ease the irritation of flies around his legs. These boots were clean, white and beautiful! They were so clean they looked funny on him! After our ride, I turned him out in his new boots.

Tuesday I went out and Lo and Behold, Rusty had kept his fly boots on! But were they white? NO! Now they look more normal because they're muddy and dirty. But they work!

Today, Thursday, I received some good tips on cleaning his boots from riders who have used them a lot longer than I have. Think I'll give it a try.

I'll try to get a picture of Rusty with his boots on posted soon.

Have a happy, safe and blessed July 4th. Don't scare horses with firecrackers!