Sunday, April 20, 2008

Watching the New Babies

Today I got to see the little ones get turned out with their moms. What energy! Run, jump, kick! They had so much fun! The little filly has better control over her long legs at this time than the colt but she is almost a day older. They are such miracles!

What special blessings! There are still more mares to foal!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Muddy Rusty!

As you can see, I sometimes have my hands full when it comes to grooming my mostly white (ha ha) Appaloosa. It took me 40 minutes to get most of the mud off! Quite a workout!
We did have a wonderful ride outside. What a great day to be at the barn!

Double Blessing!

Not just ONE but TWO beautiful babies!
The top picture is the black colt born Wed. morning. He looks so much like his daddy! The second picture is the bay filly born Tues afternoon. Just like human babies, they sleep alot. When they struggle up on their feet, the first thing they want is FOOD!
Both of these cuties are sired by "Stilts." More are on the way!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Wow! Our God is sooooooooooooooooo Faithful!

Doug has a NEW JOB! Today he had an interview and this afternoon they offered him the position! When I left for work I knew the interview went well. Doug called me at work to tell me the good news! The other great thing is that this job is for a company Doug worked for for 19 years when we were first married. He's familiar with the product, though some of the procedures will be new. This company is about 5 min. from our home! So Doug can drop the 45 min. commute that he used to do!

Thank You, Lord for being our Source, our Provider!


Thank you to everyone who held us up in prayers and encouragement. Thank you. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We have a NEW BABY at On Eagles' Wings Equine Center!

Marie's mare Shannon gave birth to a beautiful little filly this afternoon around 4 pm. The little one's daddy is non other than Indian Artbeat (known as "Stilts" at the barn). She is a dark bay like her mommy. What a blessing!

Marie still has several mares in foal to Stilts that are due soon. We're going to have some gorgeous babies this spring!

When I get a pic of the new arrival I'll post it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Leaning on God

Today, while out grocery shopping, I heard an interesting message on my local Christian radio station (K-Love is great, by the way.) The speaker was talking about going through the tough, dark times and he said something about "leaning into the pain" of those times. I asked God what "leaning into the pain" meant. He told me it meant leaning on HIM and trusting Him when the going is rough. Trusting God with the pain -- whatever it is -- knowing that He is there with you in the trial.

So I can be encouraged during the painful times -- job loss, sickness, financial problems, etc. -- that God knows all about it and is there with me. He is there with YOU too to comfort, help, and guide. His Word tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. It also says that NOTHING can separate us from His love. Thank You, God!

Now I am thanking God for Doug's new job even though I haven't seen it yet. God is at work and I thank Him for all His goodness to us.

May the Lord bless you today! He is the Most Awesome God!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Outdoors Again!


What a treat! While it was a bit windy, the ride was wonderful. Rusty and I hadn't ridden outside since early Dec. when we had an unusually mild day. I wasn't sure if Rusty would behave on our first time out but he was terrific! We cantered and he was balanced. No spooking or bolting. Wow!

Each time I'm out there I try to clean a little more of the caked mud off. What a project! It's supposed to rain tonight so I may have to start over when I get back out there on Tues. Oh, well. Boys will be boys (even if they're horses!)