Monday, May 21, 2007

Bad Day turned Good

I'll be honest. I did NOT start out having a good day today. I got to the barn later than usual because of a meeting at work. I left the meeting frustrated and feeling very "Put Upon."

While working at the barn (cleaning stalls) my mood got worse. I allowed myself to dwell on what frustrated me and let my imagination run riot. Needless to say this is not a good way to feel better.

I tried praying and thinking about good things like Philippians 4:8 tells us. My thoughts kept harping back to my frustration. I had worked myself up to the point where I thought I'd just go home after my chores and curl up in bed.

But I didn't do that. I told myself that I was going to ride even if it was only for 15 minutes. Once that decision was made, I finished my chores and brought Rusty in to groom and tack up. It's wouldn't be fair for me to take out my bad mood on my wonderful horse who was in no way responsible. Just being with my horse brightened my outlook.

I rode for over 20 minutes and Rusty was excellent. Not only that but my bad mood vanished like it had never been there. My equalibrium restored, I left the barn to go home. Now, thanks to Rusty, my family would not have to put up with a grouch.

I really believe God put something special in horses that can speak to the human spirit. I can't put it in words very well but all of us who interact with horses have felt it, I'm sure. This was one of those times for me. I'm very grateful to God for the wonderful horse He's allowed me to care for. My horse cares for me, too.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I had a wonderful riding lesson today. This is especially significant because I had a frustrating session during Centered Riding this past Monday. We were working on leg position. Marie has a delightful little exercise in torture where the rider (me) moves each leg up, out and back at the walk and trot. Arggh. This is a difficult exercise. I have never been very limber even when younger and so I have a hard time with this.

Anyway, I worked at the exercise grumbling under my breath all the while. Marie told us that it took her a year before this became easier for her.

The next day, while at my job, I heard someone on WMBI talking about the challenge of working through a difficult problem whatever it may be. I got to thinking about my "up,out,back" difficulty. This is a challenge that, if I work at it, will help me become a better rider. Time to stop grumbling and start working.

The result of my change in attitude was a great lesson with Rusty and a new-found respect for my instructor. She knows what I need to learn to be the best rider I can be. If I take her instructions and advice to heart, I'll be on my way.

It's like that with the Lord. He knows what I need to be the best I can be. I will take His instructions to heart and learn from Him. As I put into practice what He teaches me, I'll grow and become more like Him.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

wonderful ride, bug check

What a great day for a ride. I could hardly wait to get out of work so I could head out to the barn and spend time with Rusty.

He was an exceptionally good boy today. We worked on getting him to drive from behind at the trot. Then we worked on flexing his neck at the canter. When he canters stiff-necked, he gets too heavy on the forehand and barrels along like a freight train. This is not a comfortable canter to ride, believe me. When I bend his nose just slightly to the inside and then to the outside, it forces him to balance himself and his canter is wonderful.

I'm trying out a new product to help repel those awful flies. It's called Bug Check. It's a feed-through system that makes the horse "taste bad" to flies, mosquitoes, deer flies, horse flies, and other pests. It also helps prevent flies from laying eggs in the manure of treated horses. Bug Check says I'll see improvement in two weeks or my money back. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks how we're doing. I think you agree with me that flies and other bugs are a real nuisance. They're the main thing I don't like about warmer weather. If this Bug Check does the trick, it'll mean relief from flies all summer for Rusty.

Hope all of you are having a great spring with your horses. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. What a blessing.